Discover is an immersion into the story of God
and how our life deals with it. 

March 6-8th, 2024



Many of us know about God. We have a ton of information (good and bad) in our minds about God and what he has done. In this weekend, we take the amazing Good News of God and transfer it from your mind to your heart. Discover is an immersion into the story of God and how our life deals with it. This is also a fantastic time for people who know nothing about God. This weekend will ‘catch you up’ on things that would normally take you years to figure out. Frankly, it is our goal that every single person at PromiseLand will go through this weekend and experience a life transformation.

Our objective and goal is not another program or event, but to see the Gospel so deeply embedded into our hearts that the everyday rhythms of ordinary life (working, eating, celebrating) are infused with Gospel intentionality.

In the first sessions we will listen and discuss God’s Story as we seek to hear the truth so deeply that it affects the way we live and do life. Then, we will have discussions centered around disciple making by learning how to live the Gospel, how to speak the Gospel, how to live in community, how to live with Gospel intentionality.

This apprenticeship has limited seating. We are intentionally seeking a smaller and more intimate group of participants.  Since there is a lot of dialog along with the story development as we re-train our concept of being Jesus' Disciples, we only have space for 30 people. This is not a seminar or conference, it's an intensive immersion into the art and culture of making disciples.

We want to emphasis that we will be immersed in the Story and Scripture. Your brain and heart will be packed to overflowing because this isn’t a conference, it’s an apprenticeship. For that reason we ask that you be available from the first session to the last.

Is this for church leaders or new Christians? Yes.  This is open to everyone.  In fact, even those who are exploring God for the first time will get a lot out of this experience.  We only have 30 spots, so you will need to sign up and pay $30 for your spot as soon as possible.  If you need financial assistance with this, please let us know.  We have a few sponsorships available.  We do not want finances to be an issue!


6pm – 9pm –  Opening Session (w/dinner)
Why Disciple? Why Story?
We will start the Story of God

Continue the Story of God

Break for lunch (provided)

Continue the Story of God

Disciple’s Culture Language (The 4 G’s)
Disciple’s Culture Language (Gospel Fluency)


The story that keeps on giving…Wow!!! Grateful for the Story of God experience this weekend. Thanks Pastor and your amazing team for bringing the story to life in such a way that we were changed! Can you be impacted and transformed after the second or third time hearing the Story? Heck yeah!!! Still floating after being pierced and purged by our Father’s relentless pursuit and amazing grace this weekend!
+ Linda

Disciple was a throwdown, smackdown, getdown good time! Thanks church and family for making it a God-frontation! It changed me and I am eternally grateful.

We are almost finished going thru the Story with our daughters… it’s been amazing to see them “get it”! We decided to do an “intensive” style with them… and it’s been SO worth it!
+ Renee

I’ve been in church all my life and had never heard of this process.  Going through the Story of God in this manner was life changing and brought a fresh perspective of the gospel that I had never experienced.
Pastor Robin Steele

When Rob wanted to go to the Disciple training in San Francisco, neither of us knew what to expect. I just knew that I wanted to go along on the trip. I was not so sure of a small group class with people I did not know. I’m just like that. :~} We were and are so glad that we both went. It was a life changing experience for both of us. Since we now have taught it at PSM through a series of weeks, The Story of God has become even more real to me. I highly recommend attending and seeing what God reveals to you in a new way. Sign up today!

The original Disciples of Jesus learned about the Kingdom of God by walking, talking, and living with The Master for three years. Right before Jesus went away, He left the commandment to go out into the world and teach people to obey His words – to make them into disciples. Somehow over the last 2000 years this simple command has turned into a religious system that turns out converts, instead of Disciples. When I went through the Disciple! experience I realized Jesus’ words are just as real today as they were back then and His command still stands today. Don’t miss a rare opportunity to truly become a Disciple of Jesus Christ, and experience life in the Kingdom of God.


PromiseLand San Marcos
1650 Lime Kiln Road
San Marcos, TX 78666