Get baptized!


We will be gathering at City Plaza Park on August 11th, 10am (only one service). There will not be worship services at our normal location on this Sunday. Dress casually and bring a lawn chair or blanket for the service. We will be providing bottled water for everyone. We encourage everyone to attend this special day even if you have been baptized already. We need to support all of those making this life-changing decision. There are several different parking locations. Limited spots are available in front of the stage. There are handicapped spots beside the stage. There will be a shuttle running from the City Activity Center at 500 Hopkins. There is also parking available at the Lion’s Club toob rental location (short walk to park area).

Making the decision to commit your life to Jesus and follow Him is the single greatest choice you can ever make. It’s a life-altering moment that can give you a new beginning in every aspect of your life.

If you’d like to put God first in your life today, simply ask Him to forgive you, acknowledge Jesus died for your sins, invite Him into your life, and make the commitment to live your life fully for Him from this day forward.

If you’ve done that today for the first time or for the first time in a long time, we’d like to partner with you as you take this next step in your journey. If you were baptized as a child or were baptized for some other reason, we encourage people to be re-baptized as an adult. Baptism is a step for people that have made a personal decision to follow Jesus!

Simply complete the information below and we answer any questions you have.