Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I join the Church?
Joining PromiseLand is simple and we would love to have you be a part of our church family. Just attend our "Next Steps" session and and fill out the membership form. It’s that simple. Next Steps happens the first Sunday of every month. Get Details Here!
We interpret in Spanish and American Sign Language during our 10:00am service (10:30am during the summer schedule)
How do I get baptized?
We typically baptize folks after any service. To sign up for our next baptism, please click here! We supply clothing, towels, hygiene products, etc. Minors need parental consent and be able to make decision on their own. You do not have to be a member to be baptized. CLICK HERE to watch a video to get more info on why we are to be baptized.
How do I get my infant/child dedicated?
We dedicate our members' children during the Sunday morning worship service. We dedicate children of families who are not members after the service. Contact our office and speak to Jennifer Longoria to schedule these sessions. 512-392-4357 or email:
Can I have my wedding or Party at PromiseLand?
Members are able to have their wedding or family event at PromiseLand for a nominal fee. This basically covers staff that assists in the processes. Non members are able to have a wedding at PromiseLand as long as the ceremony falls within our Statement of Beliefs and pay rental fees for rooms used. Contact Pam Rodriguez via email:
Why does the church take up an offering every week? Where does the money go?
The church operates based on the generosity of those who attend and are a part of the family. Without the financial support of the congregation, the church would not exist as it does. We break down our financial plan in 5 ways:
Worship (22% of budget) - Sunday and Wednesday Worship services, Guest speakers
Fellowship (18% of budget) - Social gatherings, meeting, outdoor events
Discipleship (22% of budget) - Books, Manuals, Trainings, Guest speakers,
Mission (20% of budget) - Local Missions and International Partners around the world
Ministry (16% of budget) - office supplies, overhead, misc
Can I get ordained as a minister at PromiseLand?
We often honor ordinations from other denominations or organizations if they are in line with our Statement of Beliefs. If someone is not ordained, but feel the call to full time ministry, we recommend Destiny Ministries for new ordinations. PromiseLand pastors are able to sponsor candidates through the process if they follow the plan.