Membership at PromiseLand is not about getting a card that you can carry in your wallet; it's about connecting with the people and the vision of the church. 

We invite you to come to PromiseLand several times to experience the difference that our church can make in your life.  The more you show up to Sunday services and other events or groups, the more you will connect with others and truly get the feel and depth of our church family.  When you decide that PromiseLand is the right place for you, we encourage you to attend our Next Steps Event.

Next Steps night // First Sunday of every month.


In this class, we will cover:

Our statements | purpose and beliefs
Our strategy | reaching the lost and helping members grow
Our structure | how the church is organized and the unique way we view church membership
Discover your spiritual gifts and personality
How you can get involved in using your talents and experience for God

During the class, you will be served a meal, and childcare is provided.


Have you been Baptized since you put your trust in Jesus Christ? Watch the message below to get more information on why we are baptized.