We provide for you several ways to give. pick from these secure and easy options:
Give via The City When logged onto your City profile, you can click the "Giving" option on the left menu bar. This will lead you through the process of setting up a one time gift or reoccurring giving via your checking account or bank card. You can also view your past contributions and print a statement at any point for your records. All of this is completely confidential and secure.
Give via Text Messaging - Simply send a text to 512-412-3295 with the amount you would like to contribute. Make sure to include the dollar sign before the amount. Example: $25. Within a few minutes, you'll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit card information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt via email. For future giving, simply send a text with the amount you wish to give, and it will process automatically!
Give via cash/check/card at church using the envelope. You can also have your card swiped at the kiosk in the foyer after any service.
Give via your bank account through "online bill pay". With this method a check will be sent directly from your bank to our church.
Give Now Online by clicking here.